Important: This course will teach you everything you need to know on how to make a mule tape halter!
Ever wonder how to braid one of the strongest halters on the market....!
How To Make A Mule Tape Halter Even If You Have Never Braided Before In Your Life!
Do you want to learn how to Make A Mule Tape Halter 
But have no idea where to start?
Maybe its because you think they are cool and look awesome like I did..?

Maybe your sick and tired of spending money on crappy halters that break right when a horse pulls back and you seem to be buying new ones constantly..?

Maybe you want to make some and sell them for some side money to pay for this expensive lifestyle..?

Maybe your just crafty and want to make some for yourself to enjoy..?
I mean they are SUPER COOL.. Right..?
but then you really start thinking about it...
How do you do those braids..?
They look so complex and there are multiple types in the same halter!

Where do you get the material from and what is it..?
What the heck is mule tape used for and where do I even start to look to purchase it..?

How does it all braid together..?
It cant be that hard but is it? Do I start at the lead or the nose band? Does the lead braid into it? 

I had all these same questions and it drove me crazy! I want one for myself but had no idea where to start or what to do or where to get materials.
I spent hours and hours experimenting.. Trial and error, trial and error...
And then...

I figured it out! I found the secret recipe! I made one for myself that actually looked good and everyone else wanted one too...!

And I want to help save you the hassle from having to waste all that time like I did!
So Let Me Tell You The Story
I was young and I needed money to afford this expensive hobby of mine.
I was looking for every way possible to make some side money.

I originally started out by braiding reins out of paracord and trying to sell them.

I tried to sell them on eBay, at rodeos, I even went to boutiques and one day I walked into a tack store to buy a new rope and this sweet lady that owned the store said I could sell my reins in there. 

I was so excited I ran home and got my reins and took them in and thought this is it! I'm going to be the rein man and braid and sell hundreds of these things and make a killing. I wont ever have to worry about money again. 

Remember i was 16 years old and had no idea about money. I just wanted to pay for my horse.

Well, I waited and waited and i finally got a call from her about a month later. I answered it all excited and what came out of her mouth was not what i expected at all.. She said "I'm sorry not one of your reins sold. Would you like to come pick them up?"

I was devastated..!

I went and picked them up thinking that was a dumb idea and I never planned to braid again.

And then this new kid moved into the neighborhood about a year later and he had this beautiful braided halter. One like I had never seen before!

I thought they were the coolest things ever! I wanted one for myself but had no idea where to buy one?

They didn't sell them in stores at the time they were really just made by a few individuals that knew how to braid them.

So I went on a mission to find a way to make one myself.

I started trying to braid them out of paracord because I had no idea where to buy mule tape but let me tell you I used a lot of paracord trying to figure this out. 

I made some pretty ugly halters. I made wrong sizes and wrong designs and ones that fell apart and pulled apart once a horse applied any pressure to it.

I thought this was going to be another fail for sure and honestly gave up for a few months.

And then one day I was driving down the road and I passed some construction workers and saw a TON of mule tape sitting next to their trucks. 

I slammed on my breaks and flipped around and went and asked them where I could buy the stuff!

They told me I could have ALL OF IT! That they were done with it and It was mine! I was so excited!

I went home and started practicing and trying to figure it out all over again.

And again I  wasted a lot of mule tape making crappy halters but got better and better each day.

I literally spent hours and days and weeks working on halters trying different ways and perfecting them.

After some time I started making some really nice halters. Everyone started to want them.

I went back to that original tack store where I sold my reins and she had asked what I had been up to.

I told her about my halters and she was so excited! She said "I have been wanting to carry those in my store! Will you bring them down and sell them here..!?"

I said of course and ran home and got what I had and took them back and guess what...

They all sold out in less than a week!

She called me wanting more and more and more and more. 

I sold a lot of halters out of that store.

I eventually added them on eBay and was the first to sell them on eBay and sold hundreds more on there. 

I sold them to friends and people found out and I started selling them to all kinds of people I didn't even know.

I remember staying up all night braiding halters almost every night for weeks at a time just trying to keep up with orders.

It was so cool!

Now with all my experience from braiding thousands of halters over the years I want to teach you all I have learned to make these quickly and easily and ill walk you through every step of the way..

Jeff Chandler
Now who am I? My name is Jeff Chandler and I grew up and currently reside in Texas. I have owned horses most of my life and have competed in many rodeos and jackpots across the country Team Roping. I have a beautiful wife of 7 years and 4 kids that are my world. I want my kids to grow up knowing hard work and I believe there is no better place for that than in the western way of life. I hope to join you and be a small part along your journey with your horses and animals and hope you love these halters just as much as I do. Its great to meet you and I can't wait to have you join me inside this course to make your very own mule tape halter!
What Would It Be Like If You Too Could Braid Your Own Halter?
Its literally a skill that you could use for the rest of your life. 

Whether you want to give a halter for a gift.

You will always need halters if you own horses and this will allow you to get them essentially FREE and on demand. 

Maybe you are having a hard time and just need to make some extra money to afford the life you have always dreamed about..? Halters made it possible for me!

I have given them as gifts, I have used them to make money, I have made them for myself and YOU CAN TOO!
Lucky for you....
I created a Step By Step Course On How To Make A Mule Tape Halter!!!
Introducing Mule Tape Halter Secrets...!
Where i help you get up and started braiding in no time, 
even if you have never braided before!
Here Is What You Will Learn When You Purchase Mule Tape Halter Secrets Today...
 #1 (Tools Needed)
This module will give you every single tool you will need to easily braid your first halter. Just like you need tools to build a house you too need tools to make these halters!
#2 (Where To Get Materials)
This was one of my biggest struggles was knowing where to get materials. Luckily for you I have put together a list of online retailers that sell the materials you need and can ship it right to your door as well as some ideas on where you can find it locally. Without the materials you cant braid a halter!
#3 (The Different Types Of Braids)
These are the exact braids you will use to braid your halters. There are a few different ones and they are completely different so without knowing how to do them makes it really difficult to make a halter. I will walk you through exactly how to do each of them step by step so that it will be a breeze when it comes to putting the halter together!
#4 (Braiding The Lead Line)
I will walk you through step by step on how to braid your lead line. This lead line is your lead rope that attaches to the halter to tie your horse off to the hitching post. Its a really important part of the halter and I will show you exactly how its done! Without it your horse will literally just run wild!
#5 (Braiding "The Mule Tape Halter")
Now this is the most important part! This took me the longest to learn and figure out and I want you to know my secret! This section will show you step by step how to use each of the braids and put it together to make the halter you have all been waiting for. I will walk you through exactly how to get it done and done the right way the very first time!
#6 (Burning And Finishing The Halter)
Everything needs a finishing touch and that is exactly what I will teach you in this section. How to burn the ends, how to do the finishing knot and wrap it all up to look nice whether you want to sell it or give it away as a gift I got you covered! You will not want to miss out on this section.
But WAIT.. There's more!
BONUS #1: Step By Step Printable PDF!
Step By Step Printable PDF!
I've put together a 10 page PDF that has everything included in this course from step by step instructions on how to do the different braids to a step by step of braiding the whole halter. With a combination of written instructions and visuals to go along with the videos there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to braid one of these halters in no time!
BONUS #2: Private Student ONLY Facebook Group
Private Student Only Facebook Group
This group is really for you guys. Its a place to show your work, meet like minded people, get help when needed from fellow members if you are stuck and a place to get motivation to get you through that first halter! If there is every any updates to the course or new content it will be found here!
Bonus #3: How To Make Money Selling Your Halters [Pay For Course]
How To Make Money Selling Your Halters!
This is the coolest part! What I did was put some videos together to show you the exact things I do to sell my halters online and in person. If you do this right this will pay for the whole course with just selling a few halters! And then the rest is just pocket change! Now let me tell you after selling hundreds of these halters I know you can sell some. Most people come back for multiple after the first one because they like them so much!
Wow..! Isn't that AMAZING. What you get with this course is truly unbeatable! 
You wont find this deal anywhere else! there is nothing else out there like it! so click the link below to get started TODAY!
Now i know what your thinking....
"This is too good to be true..!?"
Well I'm going to be real with you right now.. 

For what I'm giving in this course I was going to have to charge over $1000  but then i thought to myself you know I have had so many people help me along the way I just need to give back.

So I put my whole heart and soul into this course and charged the cheapest I could possibly charge for what you are actually getting out of it!

I really want you to have this but you need to get it before the price goes up.

As I add more valuable stuff to this course I'm going to have to charge more so get it at this special price TODAY! I cant wait to see the cool halters you make! See you on the inside!

- Jeff Chandler
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Purchase The Mule Tape Halter Secrets Course!
  •  #1 Tools Needed! ($27 Value)
  •  #2 Where To Get Materials ($47 Value)
  •  #3 The Different Braids You Will Be Using ($97 Value)
  •  #4 Braiding The Lead Line ($57 Value)
  •  #5 Braiding The 8 Strand Mule Tape Halter ($97 Value)
  • #6 Burning And Finishing The Halter ($47 Value)
  • ​BONUS #1: Step By Step Printable PDF ($97 Value)
  • ​BONUS #2: Private Students ONLY Facebook Group ($97 Value)
  • ​BONUS #3: How To Make Money Selling Your Halters! [Pay For This Course] ($497 Value)
Total Value: $1,063
But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only $27 
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